Body Confidence Blog

“Once you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.


Quite a lot has been happening at Waishee Coaching headquarters so let's get up to speed. EMDR I have been having EMDR sessions to heal childhood trauma. As I coach, I wanted to share my journey and show my clients that I am also committed to my personal development...

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Changing your habits will change your life

Changing your habits will change your life

What are Habits? Habits are routine behaviours that are performed repeatedly and tend to occur subconsciously. They are often learned or acquired behaviours that become automatic over time, and can be both positive or negative How habits are formed Habits are formed...

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Developing a growth mindset

Developing a growth mindset

Feel like things are always going wrong? Here's how developing a growth mindset can help. Nicola says "Developing a growth mindset is all about seeing obstacles as opportunities and embracing challenges. I truly believe that when things go wrong, it's because...

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How I started weightlifting

How I started weightlifting

I started weightlifting by chance. I was previously an exercise addict teaching classes in the gym and doing way too much exercise in the name of making money. Really burning calories was my goal. Once I recovered from my Binge-eating Disorder and Exercise addiction,...

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Years of dieting

Years of dieting

After years of dieting, I had to become in tune with my body again to be able to feel my true hunger and fullness signals. I had to learn to feel what was I really craving and allow myself to have those things. Lately, I have been working on getting more present in my...

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Identity – reserve the right to change

Identity – reserve the right to change

As I awoke to the Patriarchy, and the lies I had been fed about what it meant to be a woman. From society, from my family, from my social groups. That women should be thin, live their lives on a diet trying to be thinner or stay thin. I went through a period of...

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Who I am – Chameleon

Who I am – Chameleon

As I find myself dressed in bright Orange attire ready for another random job with an event company I do agency work for, I feel like a Chameleon. A Chameleon, not only a type of Reptile but also a Marvel Comics Character well known for disguising himself as different...

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Love yourself

Love yourself

Can you see the mysterious dark, hooded character behind Alice? This image taken from my latest Burlesque performance was my way of releasing Shame, Guilt, and Suppression. By showing up in this act I was speaking up for all of the women who can't. For women whose...

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I love this picture as it represents the Pre-stage connection. A powerful moment of calm before the excitement. New performers and experienced performers, all equal, non-judging, holding each other up, sharing space for each other to become our best selves. Each of us...

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Remember who you are

Remember who you are

Remember who you are - Act by Alice Noir I just want to stay here, for it hurts too much to move, I know they’re watching out there, will they disapprove? I am lying in a fetal position weighed down by these chains, chains of guilt and shame, do you think I am to...

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Listing, Ordering, Pro’ing and Con’ing

Listing, Ordering, Pro’ing and Con’ing

My shoulders are full of tension and my mind swirling like a washing machine. The moment I disconnect from distractions my emotions burst into the screen. Nothing makes any sense as I conversate my way through all of the options. Listing, Ordering, Pro’ing and...

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Follow me on my podcast on Waishee Radio where I aim to inspire you by sharing other people’s stories.

Nicola's recommended books

Recommended Books

Continue your journey on your own with my recommended reading list of books to help you. Click on the title to buy on Amazon.

HAES Health at Every Size by Linda Bacon
Intuitive Eating
Women Don’t Owe You Pretty by Florence Given.


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