2018 was the year of the dog on the Chinese calendar.
It was my year that year as I was born in 1982 which means it’s my prosperous and creative year of change. The time to take Action and start having fun in life.
Two years before, after my friend and co-host of the TV series ‘Fit Happens’, died of cancer I was reminded how quickly life can vanish and it gave me some urgency on my own life. One of the things Keith taught me was to ‘live life to the fullest’ and so I began my Personal Development journey.
“If you don’t go within, you go without”
Once I trained as an NLP coach and started coaching clients, I was very aware that the clients who sat in front of me reflected my own ‘shadows’. It is so true that the world always gives us a mirror to see ourselves.
In my mirror were negative unfulfilling relationships and an unhappy marriage.
A year later, I completed my Master Practitioner course, which includes my own Time Line Therapy, and I went through a lot of healing and growth.
I left feeling like a changed woman. Fearless. Not bound by the confines of my own mind. With a deep understanding that my limitations were not real and that I really could create a magical fulfilling and refreshing life!
I love that word…refreshing.
I challenged my old belief system including how I felt about marriage. What I really valued and believed in, not what I was led to believe by society and my upbringing, and I put pen to blank paper to write my next chapter.
My next chapter
My next chapter involved the break up of my marriage, if not now, then when? There is only NOW. My life was waiting for me. As soon as I had the courage to break up this relationship law of attraction bought someone new into my life. I fell in love with a man with who I now share a deep conscious relationship.
The rest of the year so far has been about nourishing my foundations, clearing up and redecorating my home. It now feels like a home. And embracing my feminine “surrendering” energy. Allowing life to…just be. Acceptance, forgiveness – as you can imagine a family break up is difficult for the whole family and extended family. I’ve learnt a lot of lessons the hard way. I also have compassion and learnt how to give unconditional love.
Now my foundation, my roots are growing nicely I can embrace my masculine energy and get back to writing, speaking and studying as the journey continues…….
This year of the dog, I most definitely found my Wai.
Will you be open to having some help to help you find yours?
With love
Nicola x